Manual only firing
The Deckvest VITO, Deckvest 6D, Deckvest LITE, Deckvest LITE+, Deckvest CENTO all have manual handles as a back-up to the automatic firing.
The Deckvest 6D, Deckvest LITE, Deckvest LITE+ all can be fitted with a Manual Conversion Kit to change them to MANUAL ONLY firing. This is suitable for sports where you may get very wet and are even in and out the water but still want the security of a full lifejacket. The Deckvest CENTO also has the ability to be converted however this is not recommended for children. The Deckvest VITO has a Hammar operating system which does not have a manual-only version.
The Manual Conversion Kit is a blanking cap that fits over the firing mechanism and a tag for the outside of the lifejacket to remind the user that the lifejacket has been converted to manual.
Buy a Manual Conversion Kit here or at your local Dealer.
Blanking cap and manual tag for converting UML Mk5 and Pro Sensor inflation systems to manual from automatic. Deckvest 5D (discontinued but still supported with spares) and Deckvest LITE and Deckvest LITE+.
Blanking cap and manual tag for converting UML Pro Sensor ELITE inflation systems to manual from automatic for Deckvest 6D.
Manual conversion kit for USCG Approved Deckvest LITE (Pre-2020).
Manual conversion kit for USCG Approved Deckvest LITE (Post-2020).
Watch how to fit a Manual Conversion Kit here.