The most frequently asked Q's
- Deckvest 6D vs Deckvest VITO
- Lifejacket Inflation Systems Explained
- What is the difference between a clutch and a jammer?
- Dealers and service centres
- Can the bladder be repaired or replaced?
- I find my Deckvest uncomfortable, how do I fit it?
- Waterproof packs internal dimensions
- When does the CO2 cylinder expire?
- Caring for my Deckvest
- Should I buy a 170N or a 275N Deckvest?
- Lifejacket vs Buoyancy Aid
- What is the difference between and 6D and VITO?
- What is the benefit of Ceramic Coated CAM's, Bases and Jaws in my rope holding product?
- Calibrating Load Cells
- Servicing: Where, how when?
- Size Guides
- Spare bags
- What lubrication should I use on my clutches or jammers ?
- Manual only firing
- XA clutch spares