Approved Devices
There are a number of man overboard, PLB and MOB AIS devices marketed as being able to integrate into a lifejacket, with some automatically activated by the lifejacket inflating.
Whilst a user can choose to use and fit any PLB and MOB AIS device with their lifejacket, the integration of an EPIRB-PLB or AIS device with a Deckvest lifejacket is at the owner's liability. Spinlock accepts no responsibility for the performance of any EPIRP-PLB or AIS fitted into a Deckvest lifejacket or for any damage caused to the Deckvest lifejacket as a result of having fitted an EPIRB-PLB or AIS unit to a Deckvest.
Some PLB and AIS have been tested to integrate with Spinlock Lifejackets. This testing involves a ‘Shock Tumble Test’ by the ISO12402 notified body to ensure the integration of the device does not affect the performance of the lifejacket and equally the lifejacket not affect the performance of the integrated device.
The following devices have been tested and approved with the following Spinlock flotation products.
- Ocean Signal MOB1
- Ocean Signal M100
- ACR RescueLink PLB
- Ocean Signal PLB 3
- ACR ResQlink 450
DURO 170 and DURO 275N
- Ocean Signal MOB1
DURO+ 275N
- Ocean Signal MOB1
- Ocean Signal PLB 3
Deckvest 6D 170N and Deckvest 6D 275N
- Ocean Signal MOB1
- Ocean Signal PLB 3
Deckvest VITO 170N and Deckvest VITO 275N
- Ocean Signal PLB 3
- Ocean Signal MOB1
Deckvest LITE 170N
- Ocean Signal MOB1
Deckvest LITE+ 170N and Deckvest LITE+ 275N
- Ocean Signal MOB1
Deckvest CENTO 100N (Junior Lifejacket)
- Ocean Signal MOB1
EPIRB-PLB and AIS devices have decreased in size and price over recent years, making them increasingly popular with sailors, recreational water uses and those working on or close to water.